Art and Architecture
The visuals in this gallery have been grouped into 10 categories. Click on the sample thumbnail sketch to view all of the images in any category.
Allied Propaganda. Four anti-Nazi posters by Ben Shahn, Lawrence B. Smith, and Thomas Hart Benton. (4 artworks) Auschwitz and Birkenau: Inmate Art. Wall and ceiling paintings of a penal company, camels, horseback riders, and cherubs. (11 paintings) Berlin: Olympic Sculptures. These freestanding and relief sculptures were displayed on the grounds of the Berlin Olympic complex. (11 photographs) Berlin: Olympic Stadium. This complex was built for the 1936 Games in Berlin. (18 photographs) Berlin: Third Reich Architecture. Examples include: Tempelhof Airport, Ministry of Aviation, Japanese Embassy, Danish Embassy, Yougoslav Embassy, Norwegian Embassy, Italian Embassy, and street lights designed by Albert Speer. (18 photographs) Birkenau: Children's Barrack Murals. Two wall paintings decorating the "Children's Barrack" at Birkenau. (17 paintings) Ghetto Artists. Artworks by four ghetto inmates who were murdered by the Nazis. (4 artworks) Munich: Third Reich Architecture. Examples include: the Führerbau, Party Administration Building, Honor Temples, House of German Art, and the Neptune Fountain. (15 photographs) Nuremberg: Nazi Party Rally Grounds. Photographs of the current condition of the Party Congress Hall and the Zeppelin Grandstand and Field (13 photographs) David Olère: Life as a Sonderkommando. Drawings and paintings by camp inmate David Olère who was a Sonderkommando at Auschwitz and other camps from March 2, 1943 until his liberation on May 6, 1945. His art captures the horror of the death camps. (18 artworks)
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